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"A chi ama l’uso dell’intelligenza, è necessario essere esperto in molte cose."
(Anonimo Sudtirolese)

Industrial Advisor

The role of Industrial Advisor is of strategic importance in all extraordinary operations / M&A as well as in the drafting of Industrial and Business Plans, in situations of crisis but and above all in development.

All too often, company analysis and assessments are focused on economic/financial aspects and neglect the industrial heart of the business which drives the economic result. Evaluating the adequacy of production facilities, compliance with safety and environmental standards, the technological competitiveness of the product and production processes, the reliability and structure of the supply chain, defining the lines of strategic development and possible critical issues, and finally the correct representation of the warehouse in terms of adequacy of stocks, are key factors in the evaluation of a company in order to draft a coherent and complete business plan.


The STM Industrial Advisor combines consolidated experience in the industrial field with considerable knowledge of financial issues and can objectively assess the industrial asset in its entirety. He knows how to verify the criticality and potential of production assets, analyses the criticality of the supply chain and verifies the real possibility of industrial synergies. It relates optimally with the Financial Advisor in the drafting of Business Plans, creating a synergy between the financial and industrial aspects of the company, avoiding, as often happens, that the economic simulations do not then have operational feedback.

Areas of intervention STM:

• Industrial assets adequacy assessment
• Assessment of product and process competitiveness
• Analysis of Operations area organization and synergies
• Economic evaluation of industrial assets
• Drafting of industrial plans for both development and crisis

• Risk Assessment
• Outsourcing and Reshoring Plans


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Support active from 8:30 am - 6:30 pm from Monday to Friday